20191127 |
Financing For Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Indonesia |
Mr. Agung Prabowo, Director, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (custom hiring) |
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9. Country Presentation_Indonesia_Mr. Prabowo_0.pdf
20190512 |
Human Resource Development for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Indonesia |
by Amiq Nurul Azmi, STP, Indonesia Center for Agricultural Engineering Researh and Development, IAARD, Ministry of Agriculture |
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PPT_Indonesia_Mr. Amiq Nurul Azmi.pdf
20181128 |
2019 Work Plan |
Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)
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4. ANTAM_Work Plan_2019_Adopted Final.pdf
20181128 |
Summary Report |
Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)
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ANTAM 5th_Summary Report_Final.pdf
20180418 |
Mr. Anjar Suprapto, Head of Planning and Evaluation, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture |
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2. PPT_CA Workshop_Indonesia.pdf
20171212 |
Indonesia Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Strategy to Support Rice Self Sufficiency, Surplus and Export |
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5. PPT_Indonesia_Astu Unadi.pdf
20161123 |
Leading the Way for Climate-Smart Agriculture through Machinery and Practices in Indonesia |
Dr. Astu Unadi, Senior Researcher, Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia |
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10. PPT_Indonesia_Dr. Unadi.pdf
20151209 |
Human Resource Development for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Indonesia |
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20151209 |
Agricultural Mechanization & Trends of Agricultural Machinery Industry in Indonesia |
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20141117 |
Database of Agricultural Mechanization in Indonesia |
Dr. Astu Unadi, Director, Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia |
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20140916 |
Country Report of Indonesia |
Dr. Astu Unadi, Director, Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia |
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20140909 |
Enabling Environtment for Custom Hiring of Agricultural Machinery in Indonesia |
Dr. Astu Unadi, Director, Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia
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20131026 |
Presentation on Indonesia Agricultural Mechanization Strategies |
Dr. Astu Unadi, Director of the Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia |
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20131017 |
evelopment of Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Indonesia |
Mr. Eddy Trijono, Expert, Agricultural Machinery Testing and Quality Institute (AMTQI), Ministry of Agriculture, Depok |
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20120515 |
Country Report Indonesia: Agricultural Machinery Testing Development |
Mr. Eddy Trijono, Head of AMTQI, Jl Pos Citayam, Bojong Pondok Terong, Cipayung, Depok 16431 |
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20111208 |
Current Status of Agricultural Mechanization in Indonesia |
Astu Unadi,Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering,Research and Development, IAARD, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia |
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20091014 |
Working Paper: Indonesia |
Dr. Agung HENDRIADI, Head of Research Program Division, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development |
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20091014 |
Country Report: Indonesia |
Dr. Agung HENDRIADI, Head of Research Program Division, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development |
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20090210 |
Strategic Approach to the Improvement of Agricultural Productivity towards Food Security in Indonesia |
Dr. Agung HENDRIADI, Head of Research Program Division, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development |
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20080123 |
Current Status of Bioenergy Development in Indonesia |
Dr. Teguh Wikan WIDODO, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Development (ICAERD), Indonesia |
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20080123 |
Bioenergy-Opportunities, Challenges, and Way Forward for Indonesia |
Mrs. SULISTYOWATI, Assistant Deputy of Climate Change Impact Control, Natural Conservation Enhancement and Environmental Degradation Control,Ministry of Environment, Indonesia |
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20071120 |
Sustainable Agriculture Development in Indonesia: Problems and Policies |
Dr. Agung Hendriadi and Dr. Trip Alihamsyah, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development |
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20070427 |
Government Policy and Strategy in Promoting Agricultural Engineering Development in Indonesia |
Dr. AGUNG Hendriadi, Head of Research Program Division, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development |
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20061120 |
Country Report of Indonesia |
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Country Report of Indonesia.pdf
20060518 |
Case Study of Fruits Export in Indonesia: Production and Its Potential |
Moehaimin SOVAN |
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Case Study of Fruits Export in Indonesia:Production and Its Potential.pdf
20060518 |
Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in Indonesia |
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issues and solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in Indonesia.pdf
20060518 |
Case Study on Fruit Export in Indonesia: Production and Its Potential Export |
Moehaimin SOVAN |
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Case Study on Fruit Export in Indonesia- Production and Its Potential Export.pdf
20051018 |
Development of Biogas Processing for Small Scale Cattle Farm in Indonesia |
Dr. Teguh Wikan Widodo (ICEARD) |
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Development of Biogas Processing for Small Scale Cattle Farm in Indonesia.pdf
20031103 |
Assessment of Milling Ratio-related to Food Security in Indonesia |
Uning Budiharti |
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Assessment of Milling Ratio-related to Food Security in Indonesia.pdf
20201028 |
Straw Management Practices in Indonesia |
Dr. Astu Unadi, Senior Researcher, Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD), Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture |
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Straw Management Practices in Indonesia
20211027 |
Workshop - Trade Procedures and Practices for Agricultural Machinery in Indonesia |
Mr. Henry Haryanto, Head of Committee, Association of Indonesian Agriculture Machinery |
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4. PPT_Indonesia_Mr. Henry Haryanto.pdf
20221011 |
Standar National Indonesia - Paddy combine harvester & Multi-commodity combine harvester |
Mr. Joko Pitoyo, Indonesia Center of Agricultural Enginering Research and Development, Indonesia |
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Standar National Indonesia
20230223 |
Enabling Sustainable and Climate-smart Agriculture in Indonesia through Mechanization Solutions for Integrated Management of Straw Residue and Air Pollution Monitoring |
Dr. Lilik Sutiarso, Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia |
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Country Pilot-Indonesia
20230221 |
Indonesia - National Standard and CA |
Mr. Zul Amri, Head of Bureau for Public Relation, Cooperation, and Information Services, National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) |
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Indonesia - National Standard and CA
20231128 |
Testing Mechanization with women users in Indonesia |
Ms. Sulha Pangaribuan, Engineer, Indonesian Center for Testing of Standardization Agricultural Mechanization, Indonesia |
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Testing Mechanization with women users in Indonesia
20240401 |
Indonesia statements on the process for adoption/participation in a Mutual Recognition System/Agreement |
Sugeng Raharjo, Director for System and Harmonization of Accreditation, National Standardization Body, Indonesia
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Indonesia statements on the process for adoption/participation in a Mutual Recognition System/Agreement
20240619 |
Implementation of Pilot Project of The CSAM Regional Initiatives (2022–2023) |
Agung Prabowo, Head, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Mechanization Standard Testing |
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Implementation of Pilot Project of The CSAM Regional Initiatives (2022–2023)
20241128 |
Strengthening Mechanization-based Solutions for Reducing Crop Residue Burning in Indonesia |
Mr. Agung Prabowo, Director, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Mechanization Standard Testing (ICAMEST-IAAS), Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia |
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Strengthening Mechanization-based Solutions for Reducing Crop Residue Burning in Indonesia