Title Author Country Code Date (YYMMDD) Sort ascending File
Country-level Perspectives from Central Asia Kazakhstan: Mr. Askar Rzaliyev, Deputy Director General/Associate Professor, Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture
Kyrgyzstan: Mr. Osmonkanov Taalai, Chair of the Mechanization in Agriculture Department, Kyrgyz National Agricultural University
Tajikistan: Mr. Onov Salohiddin, Head of Sector for Food Security and WTO Issues in Department of Agrarian Policy and Food Security Monitoring
Uzbekistan: Mr. Khudayberdi Nazarov, Professor of Tashkent State Agrarian University
20210927 Механизация с.х. в КР.pdf
Concluding Remarks Mr. Anshuman VARMA, Programme Officer & Deputy Head, ESCAP-CSAM 20210927 Concluding Remarks.pdf
Opening Remarks Dr. LI Yutong, Head, ESCAP-CSAM 20210927 Opening Remarks_ESCAP-CSAM.pdf
Welcome Remarks Mr. Jinqing CHENG, Deputy Director General of the Administrative Committee of Yangling Agricultural High-Tech Industry Demonstration Zone cn 20210927 Remarks_CN_CHENGJinQing.pdf
Welcome Remarks Mr. Nikolay Pomoshchnikov, Head of Office, ESCAP Sub-regional Office for North and Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan 20210927 Remarks_ESCAP-SONCA.pdf
Welcome Remarks Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, UN Resident Coordinator in China 20210927 Remarks_RC.pdf
Climate Smart Mechanization for Dryland Farming in China and implication for Central Asian Countries Professor Delan ZHU, Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University, China cn 20210927 1_ZHU Delan, LANG_CN-RU.pdf
Food and Water resources overview in Uzbekistan Dr. Khudayberdi Nazarov, Tashkent State Agrarian University
uz 20210927 2_Food and Water Resources Overview.pdf
Concept Note 20210428 Concept Note_LANG_CN.pdf , Concept Note_LANG_EN.pdf
Concept Note - 8th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific ESCAP-CSAM 20201211 Concept Note_8th Regional Forum (Discussion Forum)_10Dec2020.pdf
Remarks Dr. LI Yutong, Head, ESCAP-CSAM 20201211 Remarks by Head of CSAM_8th Regional Forum_clear.pdf
Regional Overview of COVID-19 Impact and Building Back Better through Sustainable Mechanization Mr. Anshuman VARMA, Programme Officer & Deputy Head, ESCAP-CSAM 20201211 PPT_8th Regional Forum_Mechanization and Covid-19 impact.pdf
COVID-19 Pandemic: Building Back Better through Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization - Indian Perspective Mr. K. Alagusundaram, Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India in 20201211 1. PPT_8th Regional Forum_India.pdf
Agriculture Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic: Building Back Better through Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Mr. Chaitya Narayan Dangol, Prime Minister’s Agriculture Modernization Project, Nepal np 20201211 2. PPT_8th Regional Forum_Nepal.pdf
Sustainable Farm Mechanization System to Mitigate Covid-19 Effect - Malaysia Perspective Mr. Azman Bin Hamzah, Director, Engineering Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Malaysia my 20201211 3. PPT_8th Regional Forum_Malaysia.pdf
Overview of Covid-19 Impact on Agriculture and Building Back Better through Sustainable Mechanization: The Case of the Philippines Ms. Rossana Marie Amongo, Professor, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, University of the Philippines Los Banos, the Philippines ph 20201211 4. PPT_8th Regional Forum_Philippines.pdf
Initiatives for the Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization beyond COVID-19 Mr. Takashi Fujimori, Administrator, International Collaboration, Institute of Agricultural Machinery, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan jp 20201211 5. PPT_8th Regional Forum_Japan.pdf
Agriculture Beyond the Covid19 Pandemic: Building back better through Agricultural Mechanization Mr. Liu Jing, Deputy Division Director, Science and Technology Promotion Division, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China cn 20201211 6. PPT_8th Regional Forum_China.pdf
Brief opening remarks Dr. Yutong Li, Head of ESCAP-CSAM 20201204 Remarks
Welcome Remarks Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) 20201204 DES Welcome Remarks for CSAM 16th GC (002).pdf