UNAPCAEM holds its Seventh Governing Council Session


The Seventh Session of the UNAPCAEM Governing Council (GC), held on 6 December 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand, was hosted by the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, Bureau of Foreign Agricultural Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

The Under-Secretary General and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (UNAPCAEM), Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, significantly noted in her opening remarks that, “…increased inter- and intra-regional trade and investment in agricultural mechanisation and technologies can play a significant role in addressing food insecurity and contribute to agribusiness. In particular, trade and investment could increase the agricultural machinery options available to farmers, improve the quality of agricultural machinery - through increased competition in the market - and stimulate technological innovation.”

Dr. Heyzer also expressed her gratitude to member countries for their strong commitment to the Centre and the importance that member countries attached to the work of UNAPCAEM.

Given the regional challenges, and the opportunities they present, eleven participants from seven GC member states, as well as participants from ESCAP, critically reviewed the Centre’s work report of 2011, work plan for 2012 and the current financial status.  GC members were updated on progress with the UNAPCAEM flagship project, establishing an Asian and Pacific network for testing agricultural machinery, and the collaboration with FAO on implementing a Roundtable for sustainable agricultural mechanisation strategies.

The Seventh GC meeting was joined by representatives from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam.

The timing and venue of the Eighth Session of the UNAPCAEM Governing Council will be decided early 2012.